Wise Mediations


Wise Mediations

Wise Meditations was created to make sure that everyday people have access to the option of fast and cost-effective mediation instead of costly litigation. We want to help people settle their dispute in a little as 1 day* with mediation, so they can move on with their lives, The Wise Way.

We are Nationally Accredited Mediators and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners providing online mediation services throughout Australia.

By providing quality Nationally Accredited Mediators that understand conflict in disputes, Wise Mediations can help people who just want to resolve their dispute “The Wise Way“.

We’ll help you find future-focused solutions instead of getting stuck in the past blame game. Plus we offer a document drafting service to put mutually reached agreements in writing.

Effective mediation can help repair and restore working relationships, so you can resolve your dispute and move forward in your life, the Wise Way.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make the mediation process easy, accessible, convenient and cost effective for clients to resolve their dispute quickly and without spending a fortune on litigation.

We help our clients:
geniune steps certificate
What We Do

About Our Wise Mediators

Our Wise Mediators are Nationally Accredited Mediators which means they are fully qualified and accredited to conduct private mediations in Australia
for dispute resolution.

We also have Wise Mediators that are specifically Nationally Accredited to mediate Family Law parenting disputes as Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRP) under the Family Law Act (1975) Cth requirements.

This means they are Nationally Accredited as Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRP) and are registered with the Federal Attorney General’s Office of Australia and can issue Section 60I Certificates under the Family Law Act (1975) Cth.

Our Wise Mediators come from various professional backgrounds including legal backgrounds, so they are able to harness their experience in dispute resolution to best assist our client to resolve their dispute “The Wise Way”

About Our Services

Our online mediation service makes mediation easy
and accessible in the privacy of your own
home regardless your location in Australia.

Fast Track Mediation Service

Our “Fast Track” Mediation Service provides urgent parenting mediation services for urgent parenting disputes within 5 business days *conditions apply

Our Family Law Mediation can help you resolve your parenting dispute
 in as little as 1 day *conditions apply

We provide online mediation for urgent parenting disputes. Our Family Law Parenting Mediation can you help you resolve your parenting dispute to help bring peace back into the lives of your children after separation.

Family Law Mediation
Genuine Steps Mediation Service

We provide a Genuine Steps Mediation Service for Family Law Property Disputes to help you achieve a property settlement in as little as 1 day *conditions apply

Our Document Drafting Service provides the convenience of a mutually agreed settlement reached in mediation being reduced into writing in the form of parenting plans, draft consent orders, or heads of agreement document drafts.

Document Drafting Service

The Reality About Litigation

Many people seem to believe that litigation is the only way to resolve a dispute. Often people will commence litigation and then find out down the track that not only is litigation expensive, it is also very stressful and time consuming.

Litigation can go on for several years and often the litigating parties may find that they have run out of funds or the litigation has just become too expensive to continue.

It is not uncommon for people to then find themselves in a position where they have to self represent because they have run out of funds to pay for legal representation for the actual final hearing.

The end result is not only the financial cost of litigation, but the emotional cost of the stress and the loss of time.

In many cases people are left to pick up the broken pieces after court has ended as many do not end up with the exact outcome they were originally seeking in court.

Litigation is never an easy process. That is why our Wise Mediators are here to help you resolve your dispute as quickly and inexpensively possible, so that the stress and uncertainty of litigation doesn’t have to weigh down on you.

Let our Wise Mediators help you resolve your dispute The Wise Way.

“A Wise Old Owl

A Wise Old Owl sat on an oak the more he saw, the
less he spoke the less he spoke the more he heard
Why aren't we like that wise old bird?”

- Charles M Schultz

About Our Wise Expertise

Parenting Plans

Professionally drafted Parenting Plans for parenting disputes, drafted as per the agreement reached at mediation. A Parenting Plan is not a court order and does not get filed with a court. It is effective immediately upon signing and is evidence of an agreement between the parents under the Family Law Act (1975) Cth.

Section 60I Certificates

Our FDRP mediators are registered with the Federal Attorney General’s Office and able to issue Section 60I Certificates under the Family Law Act (1975) Cth. A Section 60I Certificate is required to be provided to the Registry of the Court before any parenting dispute is filed with the Registry.

Property Consent Orders

Professionally drafted property consent orders document drafts for family law property disputes drafted to reflect the mutual settlement agreement reached in mediation. You can then file online with the Registry of the Family Court and seek the orders to be made by the Registrar by consent, without the need for court proceedings.

Parenting Consent Orders

Professionally drafted  parenting consent orders document drafts to reflect the mutual parenting agreement reached at mediation. You can then file online with the Registry of the Family Court and seek the orders to be made by the Registrar by consent, without the need for court proceedings.

Nationally Accredited Mediators

Our Wise Mediators are all Nationally Accredited Mediators experienced in mediating disputes.


We have experienced Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRP) registered with the Federal Attorney General’s Department for mediating family law parenting disputes under the Family Law Act (1975) Cth.

Court Pre-Action Mediation

Mediation as pre-actions required by courts in family law parenting matters, family law property settlement matters, and in will and estate dispute matters.

Family Law Property

We have experienced mediators to help you resolve family law property disputes and reach a settlement without the need to litigate in court.

We provide professional dispute resolution services as required for the Genuine Steps Certificate by the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia.

Estate Dispute Mediations

Mediation for Estate disputes including family provision estate disputes and other estate disputes such as equitable claims, or pre-action requirements by the Court for mediation to be convened

Wise Mediations, We Are Here to Help

“Book an obligation free chat
with a Wise Mediator”

Rule Number 1

Be Wise Mediate Don’t Litigate